Berikut adalah contoh paragraf deskripsi. Salah satu ciri utama paragraf deskripsi adalah tidak mengandung unsur persuasi.

Rabu, 27 Februari 2013
Biografi Singkat Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs,siapa yang tidak mengenal di? Salh satu pendiri Apple Inc. Yang mampu mengubah dunia dengan ipad, itunes, dan iphonenya. Steven Paul Koba, itulah nama lengkapnya, lahir di San Francisco,CA, Amerik Serikat pada 24 Februari 1955. Ia adalah pemimpin perusahaan Apple Computer bersama dengan Steve Wozniak dan tokoh utama di industri komputer.
Selasa, 26 Februari 2013
Article : Acid Rain
Acid rain is a rain that polluted by timbel and sulphure dioxide. Acid rain usually happen in industrial country.
In first stage, acid rain 's process are same with norml rain. Start by evaporation of water, then the steam gathered by wind and fall as rain when the amount is enough. But, when the rain fall, the water being contamined by timbel and sulphur dioxide from industrial waste. finally the water fall as acid rain.
Sumber : myself
Paragraf Hortatory (iyakah?)
Berikut adalah contoh paragraf Hortatory:
Facebook, Potential Marketing Place
Nowdays, online marketing is more popular to use because it very effective way of marketing. Many producents have prove that. Their income is increase fastly by using online marketing. One of online marketing is Facebook, the biggest social network in the world today.
By using Facebook, we get some advantage. First, Facebook is free, we dont have to pay to Facebook. Second, with Facebook's large amount of users, our product can be known easy and fastly, but it depends on how many friends you have on Facebook. Third, with right managements, it can be a online shop than just an advertisement.
With those lots of advantage, Facebook has become a marketing place that has lots of great potential. Its recomended to any kind of bussiness that looking for a potential marketplace with easy management and free.
Sumber: myself
Senin, 25 Februari 2013
Contoh Paragraf Deduktif
Berikut adalah contoh paragraf deduktif :
Ide pokok : Renang adalah olahraga yang bermanfaat.
Ide penjelas :
- Dengan berenang tubuh menjadi sehat
- Berenang dapat menambah tinggi badan
- Berenang merupkan sunah rasul.
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